Monday, March 10, 2014

Let's Get This Party Started

Time to kick-start this blog :) I've decided to write this blog for all my fellow women who are going through hardships in their lives. Last year was one of the worst years of my life. I was married to a man who treated me like I was dirt half of the time and the other half was spent busy with video games, work, or disappearing to who knows where. I've been cheated on, abused, and told I wasn't good enough, and to top that, I lost my baby girl before I ever had a chance to hold her. I have spent so many hours hiding in the bathroom, looking in the mirror and convincing myself that both him and his parents were right. I was convinced I was ugly, stupid, and just an inconvenience to everything and everyone around me. I'm not going to go into all the details, but in short, I ended up feeling like I had no purpose. I hated myself, and got mad that I couldn't be the person I felt I needed to be. I did finally got the courage to get out of the marriage in December of last year and as any divorced woman knows, that can be a really traumatic time period. Since then, I have been learning how to heal and how to be single again. I think what inspired me the most to start this blog was the choice I was given. I have been given the choice to be completely depressed, lose it, and do nothing with my life because I have lost my hope OR I can turn things around. I can fight my hardest to push through this rough patch, make goals, and turn my dreams into a reality. I've met with a counselor several times and what I have started to realize is that no matter what happened last year, I have the choice now to make the experience something to make me stronger, or something that will break me. I choose strength, I choose a fresh start, I choose happiness. For all you ladies who have been treated badly, who have lost, who have been shot down, who have had parts of life that didn't go according to plan, who look in the mirror and wonder why you aren't who you feel you should be, who had a rough day, or simply need some support let me tell you this. TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! You are beautiful, incredible,unique, and wonderful and whoever tells you differently has some of their own problems that they need to deal with. I know I let harsh words get to me and used those to reflect my self image, and now I see that was wrong. I am still struggling, but I hope I'm not alone as I make it through my healing phase of life. I'd love to hear input, stories, etc. I think together we as women can support each other as we travel along this bumpy road we call life.

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