Friday, March 28, 2014

Hope and Healing After... (Insert experience here)

Hello! So a few days ago my brother sent me a link to an article about Hope and Healing after divorce. In it there were 7 things that it recommended you doing, so I am going to do a post for each thing this week. If you haven't been through a divorce, this is still a great article, it can definitely be related to any hard time. If you want to read the whole article here is a link:

Like I said before, in the article it gives 7 tips for healing after a divorce. They are as follows:

  1. Strengthen YOUR relationship with God
  2. Stand in holy places
  3. Consider professional counseling
  4. Establish a support group
  5. Rediscover yourself
  6. Have courage to date again
  7. Believe that you can heal
So for the next seven days, I'm going to take each one and give my two cents on what I think they mean or how they can help us women.

Here we go!


I remember the day...
  I realized something was wrong with my baby; my body started contracting and the bleeding wouldn't stop
I remember the moment...
    the doctor told me I had an inevitable miscarriage and that the next few days would be rough as my body tried to take care everything.
I remember the pain...
   on that terrible morning when I woke up in the worst pain I have ever experienced. I was going into labor and I couldn't think clearly enough to tell my ex husband to take me to a hospital so I went through full labor naturally on my own bed. I have never experienced that extreme of emotional pain knowing I was losing my daughter and I couldn't do anything to save her nor physical pain where the only thing I could cry out was "Heavenly Father PLEASE save me"
I remember it vividly, but the the thing I remember the most was the strength I was given from my Heavenly Father. I spent a lot of the following week on the couch curled up in a ball in so much emotional and physical pain I just couldn't move which led to my husband telling me I was lazy and couldn't take school seriously. It was then followed by him coming home the next week in a rage saying he was done with religion, and that was followed by him telling me he didn't want to be married to me anymore.

On multiple occasions I found myself wondering if my husband would come back that night, wondering if I could ever heal, and wondering why I had to got through this, I felt myself reach my limit. I had never had a moment where I was completely at the end of my capability to cope with anything before and in the same moment I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore, I also felt a sudden peace and a warm feeling all over letting me know that I wasn't alone. That was my confirmation that God is always there for us and He wants us to experience life and learn from it, but He will NEVER abandon us. From that moment on, I have been more conscious of the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father. I know that my faith in Him is a huge part of what has helped me heal. I know that putting our trust in God, and allowing Him to help us get through the hard times. I believe He loves us and cares about us so much that He rejoices when we confide in Him and ask for His help. No problem is too small to ask for His help, and I think building your own personal relationship with God is the best way to start on any healing journey.

I know I've just written a bunch, I promise I'm signing off here soon, but there is a song that I remember listening to soon after my miscarriage.

Sometimes we really need the strength to just keep breathing, and we need to have the faith that God knows what is best and that He will do anything that is for our good to help us when we ask.

So say a prayer right now and thank God for getting you to today, giving you a chance to make a change in your life, to heal, to strengthen, and to fulfill the potential that He has given to each of us.

Love you girls! 

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