Monday, March 31, 2014

#2 Stand in Holy Places

Hello my friends! :)
I told you I would make a post for each of the seven steps mentioned in the article for healing after divorce. But don't forget this doesn't just pertain to divorced women. If you are just needing to build yourself up after some type of trial, apply each step in your own way.

So to Step 2: Stand in Holy Places

What does Holy Places mean to you? The terminology is often used in various churches as places of worship. But being in a church all the time isn't always practical, nor possible. But I don't think that is what it means. To me, when I am somewhere considered 'holy' like a church or somewhere sacred, I feel uplifted and happy. So for me, standing in holy places means I am keeping myself only in places that are uplifting and happy. Are there certain places where you feel degraded as a woman? Are there places where you just feel miserable? If there are, stay away! There are some situations, however that require us to be present where we don't feel the best. Soon after my ex left, the place I once lived just gave me bad memories of abuse, heartache, and tears. I wasn't uplifted in my own home, but I had to live there until I could sell my contract and move somewhere else. So in those times where you have to deal with where you are, make it a happy place yourself. I started taking care of myself, taking hot bubble baths, turning up fun music and dancing around my empty halls without having to care about anyone's opinion, inviting friends over to play games or for dinner, putting up happy pictures on the wall, reading from scriptures and other uplifting books, and just doing anything that I could think of that would make me happy. It was still rough but by making my home a 'holy place', I was able to sleep better and start my healing process.

So what is your plan? What makes you feel beautiful? Place yourself in situations that make you happy and uplifted so what makes you happy? Lets make a list:

Things that make me happy:

-walks with friends in the evening
-hanging out with friends
-sappy chick flics

Whats your list??

Sweet dreams ladies!

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